Monday, February 24, 2014

Relaunching Comments

Not sure if anyone is still looking over here, but just in case: I'm doing what I think of as a relaunch of comments over at Bloomberg today. I'm going to begin zapping, pretty aggressively at first.

If any of the old readers (and commenters) from Plain Blog have given up commenting or reading the comments over there, this is a good week to give it another try. I can't promise that it'll be just like it was here...but I'm going to see what I can do. At least I'll give it a try for a while, and see what happens.

On another, the rss feed for the new place isn't ready yet. Yes, it's still planned. They're doing a site redesign, and they've assured me that when the redesign is ready, the rss feed will be. And that's supposed to be? Soon.