Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Feeling Patriotic

I do love Election Day.

And it's a good one, lots of great stories. The two Gov races, two House specials (one in CA, in addition to the big blowout in NY-23). Some mayors. Marriage in Maine, quasi-marriage in Washington. NY-23, one of the most entertaining House elections in a long time. Political Wire has some of the poll closing times.

You know, most of my academic work and interests are all about how small a portion of democracy is occupied by today -- I think democracy is found in the complex workings of elites within party networks, and in Congressional committee rooms, and in interactions within issue networks, and in White House showdowns between the president and a reluctant Senator...all those things, to me, at an intellectual level, are democracy just as much as today's events. But nothing beats the rituals of Election Day. Hey, I even like the annoying and useless "What Does It All Mean" stories, as long as I can restrict my intake enough. I love watching the spin (I caught Haley Barbour yesterday on CNN patiently explaining why New Jersey was dominated by obscure and inscrutable local factors, while Virginians are clearly, no-question-about it conducting a pure referendum on Barack Obama. Awesome job, Haley!). I love the weather stories, and the cheesy shots of the candidates voting, and the oh-so-careful anchors not revealing what they all know from the exit polls (I guess we don't get that today -- even more fun to wait for the actual votes!). I'm one of those people who could easily do without the National Anthem, and the Pledge doesn't do much for me -- and I really dislike the Selig-imposed 7th inning GBA. But then today comes around, and I know that I'm a very patriotic citizen of the USA.

So, Happy Election Day, everyone! Vote early, vote often!

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