Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dogs Not Barking (GOP "Pledge" Edition)

What's not in the Pledge?

1.  Trade.  No free trade, no trade deficits, no imports, no exports...nothing.

2.  Term limits.  I've been wrong about this; I thought term limits would make a big comeback this year, but nope.  Nothing on Congressional pay, either -- Congressional spending is in it, but not the salaries of Members of Congress.

3.  I said it earlier today, but it's pretty shocking that a political party would put out a platform that entirely ignores a current shooting war. 

4.  The Fed.  Nothing for Ron Paul here -- no Federal Reserve audit or new restraints.  No mention at all.  Virtually no mention, by the way of banking or financial regulation at all...also, virtually nothing on housing (although there is rhetoric on Fannie and Freddie).

5.  Guns.  Also, Fairness Doctrine.  But mostly guns.  Nothing about second amendment rights.


  1. "1. Trade. No free trade, no trade deficits, no imports, no exports...nothing."

    This is about the only positive thing I see in the document. I frequently see GOP congressmen say we need more trade deals to create jobs. Our current trade agreements are not helping American workers; they function more to help corporations send jobs abroad. Stating nothing in the pledge is better then advocating bad policies.

    I am not sure whether they have learned our current trade policy is not working or they are not mentioning trade because they know it is unpopular.

  2. "3. I said it earlier today, but it's pretty shocking that a political party would put out a platform that entirely ignores a current shooting war"

    Huh why is that? If you're careful you the citizen, can ignore it too if you don't live next to a military base.

  3. Also, card check. Probably because most voters have no idea what this is. But still would have been a juicy piece of red meat for business.

  4. What's not in the Pledge?

    Anything of value.


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