Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sunday Question for Liberals

Sticking with the theme: what's a Christmas (or other appropriate holiday) gift that you would like to give to a Democratic or liberal leader?


  1. Obama: Back brace (spinal support).

  2. I'd give Harry Reid a DVD of Mitch McConnell's greatest hits ("one term President", filibustering his own bill, etc.) to help motivate him to fix the Senate's rules dysfunction.

  3. I'd buy Nancy Pelosi whatever she wants.

  4. I'd give the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Barney Frank. And while you're at it Mr. President, you need to award one posthumously to Daniel K. Inouye.

  5. Elana Kagan by all accounts has emerged as the leaders of SCOTUS's liberal wing so I think she deserves something to recognize steering the ship of Obamacare through the rocky shoals of Scalia world. A fun nautical hat perhaps? Andrew Sullivan styles himself a "conservative" but seems to be liberal on almost all the issues and has a largely liberal following. I'd like to see some sort of public art installation commemorating "The Great Andrew Sullivan Freakout of 2012." Possibly using these GIFs:

  6. I'd give my local Democratic Party organizer a bottle dozen roses, a bottle of champaign, a box of chocolates, and a promise of 10-hours/month of my time.

    Without her work, we would not have a local party; and that local party would not be working on behalf of state and federal offices, either.

    Thanks, Cathy. You do us proud.

  7. Whatever sort of heart/brain/spine transplant it would take to morph Obama into someone who actually believes in progressive ideals, so he won't sell out SS and Medicare to get a stupid [and I mean that literally] budget deal.



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