Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Question for Conservatives

Ted Cruz: helping himself get the Republican presidential nomination with what's happened on the shutdown, or hurting his chances?


  1. I think he has hurt his chances for the Republican nomination in 2016. Most House Republicans are angry with him, and the US Chamber of Commerce has made it clear that they are vehemently opposed to any government shutdown. Losing support of these two constituencies damages his chances of becoming the Republican nominee in 2016.

  2. Depends, did his antics land the Big Fish donor(s) he was trying to bring into Camp Cruz? I consider his antics to be more about the shadow primary and his attempts to position himself within it and less about the current situation in washington.

  3. Depends, did his antics land the Big Fish donor(s) he was trying to bring into Camp Cruz? I consider his antics to be more about the shadow primary and his attempts to position himself within it and less about the current situation in washington.


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