Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Moving Day

Yes, boxes are being packed and unpacked at Plain Blog world headquarters today for the big move...well, figuratively at least. But in fact the big day is tomorrow.

Bloomberg View is here. And they already have a page for me, here. Empty now, but by late morning tomorrow there should be something there. I'm afraid at first there won't be a dedicated rss feed, but they're actually a few weeks away from a redesign, and among other things one of the benefits will be rss feeds for the authors. I'll have all of that easy to find here once it happens. Meanwhile, you can use that bio page for all new posts, and of course I'll be tweeting out new posts.

Other than that, I think this site is going to go dormant, most likely, although I haven't made any final decisions. I suppose I could use it for any off-topic or personal posting, but I don't really do that sort of thing (and the View folks have assured me every time I bring it up that anything I've written here would be on-topic there).

For regulars: I know you've expressed some concerns about comments. I don't really have a sense yet of how that will go -- but I'm willing to give it an initial try to keep the comments section over there a value-added portion of the blog, as I very much think it has been here. I hate to say it, but probably the best way for that to happen is if some of the regulars here flood the zone at first...but, again, I don't really have a sense of how it will go.

Also for regulars: I'm keeping the morning links posts, pretty much as-is, but I'm thinking about coming up with a new name. I know some of you hate "Read Stuff," and I don't mind taking the opportunity to switch it at this point...but I've come up blank so far. I'm thinking about song titles/lyrics... The Beatles' "Good Morning" seems trite, Tim Armstrong's "Wake up, you son of a bitch" too nasty. I can't say that Colin Moulding's "Wake Up" is one of my favorites...there sure are a lot of songs called "Wake Up," aren't there? I could always go with New Day Rising. I can't think of a good one from Kristin Hersch, or even from Elvis Costello...what am I missing? At any rate, I'm taking suggestions.

One way or another, it's time for the big move. So see you all over there tomorrow!


  1. Since you don't have RSS links at first, I suggest you post links here to those articles as you make them. Just copy and paste the header and away we go.
    When I change blogs there can be years where my readers don't pick up on the change and lose track of my posts...which is not good for circulation in a big way. Besides, with the number of feeds I have on the go getting my attention takes something like a cudgel to the head. Make sure you repost the RSS address as well when you get it. Thanks.

  2. Everyday They Write the Book

  3. Good Day Sunshine?

  4. I Read the News Today Oh Boy

  5. The Waker (from Til the Medicine Takes) Widespread Panic.

  6. Word Croissants

    (Croissants are delightful! This is the Luntzian solution.)

  7. You have an international readership, which I think is probably larger than just me, so "morning" tropes aren't really correct -- I see your first posts of the day in the evening, Central European time. Also, I second opit's suggestion above about continuing to post links here until you have a separate RSS feed.

    Good luck!

  8. Burnt (or Bern't) Toast
    Coffee and Pancakes
    Sunny Side Up
    Plain Toast
    Drinking Raw Eggs (Rocky homage and sometimes how I feel after being completely depressed by some of the good stuff that leads to dispair)...

  9. If you want to go the Kristin Hersh/Throwing Muses route, how about Listerine? Other options could be Buzz, Caffeine, or Start.

    1. Hmmm...even given that anything Hersh is going to be obscure, I don't think any of these would work as both a title and a (fairly obvious) allusion to something.

      She does have one called "Rock Candy Brains" that sorta might work if you squint just right...don't think I could get the Bloomberg folks to buy it, though.

  10. Not music related, but how about "Breakfast of Champions"?

  11. I'm good with 'Read Stuff' - lets me know right off that I'm reading the right blog.

  12. Gotta Get Up by Nilsson

  13. Softly (as in a morning sunshine) but with a big schtick

  14. Everyday They Write the Book.............


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