Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Question for Conservatives

What's your position on Afghanistan?  Do you agree with the liberal critique that George W. Bush erred in shifting his attention to Iraq?  (I'm not interested here in whether Iraq needed urgent attention; presumably it was possible for Bush to simply devote more resources to both, even if it cost something elsewhere, if both were important).  Do you think that the current policy is the correct one?  Should the US have 100K troops in Afghanistan right now?  250K?  None?  What, in your view, would constitute "victory" there?  "Defeat"?  How important is that sort of victory?  I'm aware of a variety of positions argued by people who call themselves conservatives, but really have no idea of what rank-and-file conservatives think. 

1 comment:

  1. I am more of an isolationist then a typical conservative but I will give my opinion anyway.

    "Do you agree with the liberal critique that George W. Bush erred in shifting his attention to Iraq? "

    I agree he erred and it had some negative impact but not that it is a primary cause of the mess. The mission changed from a narrow goal of chasing Bin Laden out of his safe haven into remaking the Afghan government, economy, society etc. I think trying to westernize the country is hopeless. NATO troops have been stationed there indefinitely. I think that any Muslim government that allows Christian troops to be stationed in their territory will be seen as illegitimate.

    "Do you think that the current policy is the correct one?"

    I don't think even Obama really believes it will work. He is boxed in from talking tough in the campaign. He is also throwing a bone to people who think a "surge" can work miracles. I hope he sticks with his planned draw down. I think the US should only have enough troops to guard the embassy.

    "What, in your view, would constitute "victory" there?"

    As long as terrorists who target the US do not operate in the open I would call it victory. If the Taliban came back to power I would not be happy but I could live with it as long as they do not let Bin Laden set up there again.

    One other thing I would add is that I am sick of people who say the US "abandoned" the Afghans and Pakistanis after the Russians pulled out. This makes it sound as if the Afghans and Pakistanis are children who need an American parent to take care of them. I think they are adults who should take care of themselves.


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