Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Question for Liberals

Of course, with a Democrat in the White House, everyone else is going to fade into the background.  Still: who would you like to see more often on TV, representing liberals?  As with the question for conservatives, I'll take anyone you like, but I'm most interested in politicians.


  1. Al Franken. His intelligence is so underreported and he is incredibly funny and interesting to listen to. He would shine on Sunday shows. His knowledge of policy issues is almost unmatched in the Senate.

  2. Anyone who won't commit a verbal gaffe. Since these are purely dog-and-pony shows and I never consume a second of them, I honestly don't care. I do, however, want to avoid cringing on Monday morning. Thus, I imagine that a number of conservatives might say "anyone but Palin" given her ability to say really stupid things. As a lib, the best "anyone but.." on my side that comes to mind is Joe "Open Mouth, Insert Foot" Biden. But, my desires in this regard are purely negative.

  3. Franken, Frank, and Leahy come to mind. Smart, sane people who come across as genuine and reasoned or reasonable rather than political hacks looking for publicity and reelection.

  4. Regarding Al Franken, that's actually in keeping with his decision only to talk to Minnesota press (part of keeping a low profile to get along in the Senate, I guess, similar to Hillary's earlier years)...

  5. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Amy Klobuchar. Both are smart and think on their feet.

  6. Amy Klobuchar, Sheldon Whitehouse, and Jack Reed.

  7. Russ Feingold did a great job of shouting at the Bush administration, and would be a great guy to hold a megaphone

  8. To add a new name...Bernie Sanders.

  9. me. michael kargas.

  10. Amy Klobuchar. Smart and "Minnesota Nice", without being a centrist pushover.


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