Tuesday, May 24, 2011

300 Million is a Lot of People

Oh, that wacky Dennis Kucinich, thinking that he can plop down in some other state's House district if he doesn't like what redistricting will do to the one he currently represents:
"After people found out that Congressman Kucinich's district could be eliminated or substantially altered in congressional redistricting by the Ohio Legislature's Republican majority, Congressman Kucinich received requests from people in twenty states, including Washington State, encouraging him to move and run in their area," a spokesman, Nathan White said in a statement.
I have no idea whether Kucinich believes that nonsense or not; for all I know, he thinks of himself as the much-beloved crusading avenger of the left, and not some guy who couldn't break 5% in any 2008 primary (to be fair, he did manage a bit better results in 2004). Or maybe this is how he thinks you audition for a spot on MSNBC.

But bragging about "requests from people in twenty states"? C'mon -- I'm relatively certain that if I put in a little effort, I could generate requests from people in twenty states to "move and run in their area." One of the very first things to know about politics in the United States is how unfathomably big the nation is, and how having enough people agree with you to pack a room doesn't actually mean much, as far as political impact is concerned.

By the way, I'm no Sherman: if nominated, I'd have a good laugh, but if elected, I certainly would serve. That should be a good enough warning, no?


  1. Please come run for office in New Hampshire, Jonathan.


  2. The people of New York are clamoring for you to represent us in congress, Professor Bernstein. Don't disappoint us!

  3. I bet David Price (D-Chapel Hill NC) wants you to run, too, so he can finally form that People with Post-graduate Degrees Other than Law, Medicine, or Business Caucus he's been talking about for years ...

  4. Please come run in Colorado. The election would be easy and you'd be treated as a liberator.

  5. Hell, you don't have to move. KBH's Senate seat is open - go for it. (An added bonus is that a willingness to serve if elected is something KBH never really had.)

  6. Thanks, all -- that's three, all obviously genuine offers, so I'm only 17 short of what Kucinich claimed. Not bad! I was really thinking of taking it to twitter to try to get 20, but I figured that was overkill.

  7. I ask Jonathan Bernstein to run for Congress in Tennessee.

    TN-5 (Nashville and environs) is a safe Democratic seat - one of the few remaining in the South. If you get the nomination you'll be a sure win.


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