Monday, August 1, 2011

Friday Baseball Post

Yes, I know it's not Friday, or even close, but I didn't do one, and obviously it was a huge week in baseball in general and for the Giants in particular.

I'd like to do a post on the frustrations and joys of rooting for a Brian Sabean team, but I'm exhausted, not least of which from rooting for a Brian Sabean team. So I'll just say: the Beltran trade was exactly the kind of thing we want Sabean to do. And the other trade is exactly why we all think what we think of Sabean.  I mean, Cabrera's BP projection for this year was 311 OBP/349 SLG, and presumably when a 36 year old MI has a horrible four months the projection for the rest of the season is going to be considerably lower. And, you know, I won't blame Hank Schulman for passing along what he hears, but I'm pretty sure that sometime in the last 24 hours or so he said something about playoff experience being important, and of course that brings to mind a team that won the World Series with Buster Posey and Matt Cain and Brian Wilson and Tim Lincecum and a bunch of other guys who didn't have playoff experience. But do now. So I'm not exactly impressed with that reasoning.

But I think, if I can keep my days straight, that this was also the week that started with that same Brian Sabean visiting the White House, and it's hard to get as upset about the foolish things he does as I used to. Also, the team is in first place and really isn't a bad team at all. So I'll quit there.

But really, Orlando Cabrera?


  1. I'm with you on the Cabrera deal, but Sabean made two good moves this year. Obviously we all wanted Beltran, but the Keppinger deal was a good one too. We gave up little for him, and he's actually hit since coming over. I'm always quick to jump on Sabes whenever he screws up, and after last year, I like to remember that he made some really good moves last year to get us there.

  2. "Cabrera's BP projection for this year was 311 OBP/349 SLG, and presumably when a 36 year old MI has a horrible four months the projection for the rest of the season is going to be considerably lower."

    Presumably? Wouldn't the projection be that his performance will be along the lines of his first four months, rather than some pre-season sabremetric projection?

    If Cabrera is having a down year, I can see why someone could argue there's no reason to think he will suddenly snap out of it because he's traded into a pennant race - but I have no idea why anyone would complain because he won't be the player of 7 years ago. (Maybe Sabean said this? - I don't follow the Giants closely)

    Looks to me like he wanted a veteran hand at SS in case his rookie can't handle the job. Cabrera may be effectively a replacement player at this stage, but that may be better than what you get from Crawford.


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