Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Question for Conservatives

I've think I've done this one before but quite a while ago; it's worth another round. What conservative bloggers, reporters, or columnists should more people be reading?


  1. Ben Swann - He's a political analyst for a Fox affiliate in Ohio -- after John Stossel, he’s the only person in the mainstream media who seems to have libertarian sympathies.

  2. Steve Sailer at and John Derbyshire at Average IQ differences and crime rate differences among the races in the US have a huge impact on public life and public policy, and mostly are not discussed because of political correctness. These two columnists regularly provide data-driven analysis on these issues, and often link to the academic literatute on these topics. Those who want something more insightful than the mainstream right-left debate on the issues of the day should check these websites out.

  3. IANAC, but is everyone already reading Gary Becker and Richard Posner's blog? ( If not, I think they should.

  4. Another vote for Sailer. The Zimmerman case is confirmation of his writings about race, crime and the media.

  5. IANAC, but:

    Jim Manzi

    Rod Dreher

  6. I'd have mentioned Popehat, but one of their founders went off the deep end this week and banned many of the commenters. (including me! I'd only commented a few times... But fell for his prat last week.) Kinda weird.

  7. Steve Sailer should be on the list for both liberals and conservatives. There's simply no one else with so many intriguing observations and such a different perspective. He may be racist, but it's a convincing kind of racism.


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