Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday Question for Conservatives

Let's talk Secretary of State, should Mitt Romney be elected. Who would you like to see at State? Who do you want him to avoid?


  1. I'd like to see someone like Robert Zoellick at State, someone who's more or less measured, practical, and has impeccable credentials that can't be so easily assailed. I'd like him to avoid anyone too controversial (John Bolton especially) or likely to amplify Romney's curiously provocative comments on China or Russia, which may sell well with the base but could have important ramifications diplomatically.

  2. Ryan Crocker would be a good choice. Bolton or anyone who was a big Iraq war advocate would be a bad pick.

  3. John Bellinger would be a brilliant Secretary of State. Law of the Sea (of all freaking things) could maybe dq him from senate confirmation though.

  4. Funny . . . the set of eligible candidates who might be confirmed is . . . empty . . . . Yet another toll of the Bush years.

  5. He should avoid nominating Rick Perry.

  6. Hey been reading your blog for quite awhile. Interesting stuff. I still can't tell if you are a republican or a democrat, and I'm usually pretty good at reading between the lines. Ok.

    I can see Romney choosing McCain actually or Joe Lieberman has been thrown out there as well. Cool blog! Depending on what you are, you won't like my blog if your a libertarian fair warning.


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